Prepositions: predložky - prehľad anglickej gramatiky

Anglické predložky: obsah

Anglicé predložky miesta a smeru

Predložka Preklad Výslovnosť Príklad
above nad (vyššie ako) clouds above the mountains
across cez, naprieč clouds above the mountains
against proti play against me
along pozdĺž cars along the street
among medzi (viac ako dvomi) among the trees
around / round okolo, dookola walking around the lake
at v, pri chairs are at the table
behind za sun is behind the cloud
below pod (nižšie ako) text is below the header
beside pri, vedľa chair is beside the table
between medzi doe is between the trees
beyond za (určitou hranicou) beyond the line
by pri, vedľa wait by the door
down dole go down the ladder
from od (odkiaľ), z he is from Slovakia
in v, vnútri she lives in palace
in front of pred winner is in front of group
into do, dovnútra horse went into stable
next to vedľa stay next to me
near blízko, neďaleko i am near the river
off z, preč i fell off the stairs
on na egs on the table
opposite oproti bus stop is opposite the school
out of z, von z get out of room
over nad, cez go over the bridge
past popri run past the path road
through cez, naprieť tunnel through the hill
to k, do go to the cinema
towards k, do go towards the hall
under pod river flows under the bridge
up hore climb up the hill

Anglicé predložky času

Predložka Preklad Výslovnosť Príklad
about okolo, asi it takes about hour
after po (niečom) after breakfast
before pred (nečim) before going to bed
between v období medzi between night and day
by do (určitej doby) by Sunday
during počas during weekend
for po (dobu), na (kedy) stay for 10 minutes
from od (kedy) from morning
since od (kedy) since 1999
throughout po (celú dobu) learning throughout the year
till / until až do (kedy) until she come
to do (kedy) from day to night
within počas, v priebehu within an hour

Zložené predložky

Predložka Preklad Výslovnosť Príklad
according to podľa I solve it according to article.
apart from okrem Group is clever apart from me.
because of kvôli I miss the train because of traffic jam
despite napriek despite the situation
due to kvôli Due to me.
in case of v prípade In case of raining...
up to až do He will be child up to eighteen.
instead of namiesto I bought salt instead of sugar.
thanks to vďaka čomu thanks to weather

Predložkové väzby at, by, in, on

Najviac používané predložkové spojenia.

Anglická predložka At

at all vôbec
at least aspoň
at last konečne, nakoniec
at first najprv, najskôr
at once náhle, naraz
at the end na konci niečoho
at any time kedykoľvek
at the same time v rovnaký čas, zároveň

Anglická predložka By

by kým (kto za to môže)
by chance náhodou (vďaka náhode)
by mistake omylom (kvôli chybe)
by myself vďaka mne, mnou
by the time do tej doby
by mother matkou (vďaka matke)

Anglická predložka In

in a hurry v rýchlosti
in other words inými slovami
in trouble v problémoch
in the end nakoniec

Anglická predložka On

on time na čas
on the other hand naproti tomu, oproti tomu
on your own sám, osamote

Kvízy a testy z anglického jazyka: predložky