Verbs: slovesá - prehľad anglickej gramatiky

Anglické časy (slovesá): obsah

Anglické časy sú často považované za najzložitejšiu časť anglickej gramatiky. Je to najmä kvôli veľkému počtu časov a tvarov slovies. Kľúčové je uvedomiť si rozdiely medzi jednotlivými tvarmi a pravidlá tvorby vety.

Anglické časovanie - delenie anglických časov

Rozdelenie časov podľa troch hľadísk:

  1. Podľa slovenského rodu
    • aktívny slovesný rod
    • pasívny slovesný rod
  2. Podľa tvaru slovies
    • jednoduchý tvar
    • priebehový tvar
  3. Podľa času
    • Minulý čas
    • Predminulý čas
    • Prítomný čas
    • Predprítomný čas
    • Predbudúci čas
    • Budúci čas

Kombinácia týchto delení spolu vytvára 24 časov.Práve množstvo slovesných tvarov spôsobuje v angličtine najväčšie komplikácie.

Časy slovies (činné tvary)

Stručný prehľad tvorby viet v jednotlivých anglických časoch (v aktívnom tvare, pasívny tvar je opísaný nižšie).

Prítomný jednoduchý čas - Present simple tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I go
You go
He/she/it goes
We go
You go
They go
I do not (don't) go
You do not (don't) go
He/she/it does not (doesn't) go
We do not (don't) go
You do not (don't) go
They do not (don't) go
Do I go?
Do you go?
Does he/she/it go?
Do we go?
Do you go?
Do they go?
Do I not (Don't I) go?
Do you not (Don't you) go?
Does he/she/it not (Doesn't he/she/it) go?
Do we not (Don't we) go?
Do you not (Don't you) go?
Do they not (Don't they) go?

Predprítomný jednoduchý čas - Present perfect tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I have gone
You have gone
He/she/it has gone
We have gone
You have gone
They have gone
I have not gone
You have not gone
He/she/it has not gone
We have not gone
You have not gone
They have not gone
Have I gone?
Have you gone?
Has he/she/it not gone?
Have we gone?
Have you gone?
Have they gone?
Have I not gone?
Have you not gone?
Has he/she/it not not gone?
Have we not gone?
Have you not gone?
Have they not gone?

Minulý jednoduchý čas - Past simple tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I went
You went
He/she/it went
We went
You went
They went
I did not (didn't) go
You did not (didn't) go
He/she/it did not (didn't) go
We did not (didn't) go
You did not (didn't) go
They did not (didn't) go
Did I go?
Did you go?
Did he/she/it go?
Did we go?
Did you go?
Did they go?
Did I not go?
Did you not go?
Did he/she/it not go?
Did we not go?
Did you not go?
Did they not go?

Predminulý jednoduchý čas - Past perfect tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I had gone
You had gone
He/she/it had gone
We had gone
You had gone
They had gone
I had not gone
You had not gone
He/she/it had not gone
We had not gone
You had not gone
They had not gone
Had I gone?
Had you gone?
Had he/she/it gone?
Had we gone?
Had you gone?
Had they gone?
Had I not gone?
Had you not gone?
Had he/she/it not gone?
Had we not gone?
Had you not gone?
Had they not gone?

Budúci jednoduchý čas - Future simple tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I will go
You will go
He/she/it will go
We will go
You will go
They will go
I will not go
You will not go
He/she/it will not go
We will not go
You will not go
They will not go
Will I go?
Will you go?
Will he/she/it go?
Will we go?
Will you go?
Will they go?
Will I not go?
Will you not go?
Will he/she/it not go?
Will we not go?
Will you not go?
Will they not go?

Predbudúci jednoduchý čas - Future perfect tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I will have gone
You will have gone
He/she/it will have gone
We will have gone
You will have gone
They will have gone
I will not have gone
You will not have gone
He/she/it will not have gone
We will not have gone
You will not have gone
They will not have gone
Will I have gone?
Will you have gone?
Will he/she/it have gone?
Will we have gone?
Will you have gone?
Will they have gone?
Will I not have gone?
Will you not have gone?
Will he/she/it not have gone?
Will we not have gone?
Will you not have gone?
Will they not have gone?

Prítomný priebehový čas - Present continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I am going
You are going
He/she/it is going
We are going
You are going
They are going
I am not going
You are not going
He/she/it is not going
We are not going
You are not going
They are not going
Am I going?
Are you going?
Is he/she/it going?
Are we going?
Are you going?
Are they going?
Am I not going?
Are you not going?
Is he/she/it not going?
Are we not going?
Are you not going?
Are they not going?

Predprítomný priebehový čas - Present perfect continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I have been going
You have been going
He/she/it has been going
We have been going
You have been going
They have been going
I have not been going
You have not been going
He/she/it has not been going
We have not been going
You have not been going
They have not been going
Have I been going?
Have you been going?
Has he/she/it been going?
Have we been going?
Have you been going?
Have they been going?
Have I not been going?
Have you not been going?
Has he/she/it not been going?
Have we not been going?
Have you not been going?
Have they not been going?

Minulý priebehový čas - Past continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I was going.
You were going.
He/she/it was going.
We were going.
You were going.
They were going.
I was not going.
You were not going.
He/she/it was not going.
We were not going.
You were not going.
They were not going.
Was I going?
Were you going?
Was he/she/it going?
Were we going?
Were you going?
Were they going?
Was I not going?
Were you not going?
Was he/she/it not going?
Were we not going?
Were you not going?
Were they not going?

Predminulý priebehový čas - Past perfect continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I had been going.
You had been going.
He/she/it had been going.
We had been going.
You had been going.
They had been going.
I had not been going.
You had not been going.
He/she/it had not been going.
We had not been going.
You had not been going.
They had not been going.
Had I been going?
Had you been going?
Had he/she/it been going?
Had we been going?
Had you been going?
Had they been going?
Had I not been going?
Had you not been going?
Had he/she/it not been going?
Had we not been going?
Had you not been going?
Had they not been going?

Budúci priebehový čas - Future continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I will be going.
You will be going.
He/she/it will be going.
We will be going.
You will be going.
They will be going.
I will not be going.
You will not be going.
He/she/it will not be going.
We will not be going.
You will not be going.
They will not be going.
Will I be going?
Will you be going?
Will he/she/it be going?
Will we be going?
Will you be going?
Will they be going?
Will I not be going?
Will you not be going?
Will he/she/it not be going?
Will we not be going?
Will you not be going?
Will they not be going?

Predbudúci priebehový čas - Future perfect continuous tense

Kladný tvar Záporný tvar Kladná otázka Záporná otázka
I will have been going.
You will have been going.
He/she/it will have been going.
We will have been going.
You will have been going.
They will have been going.
I will not have been going.
You will not have been going.
He/she/it will not have been going.
We will not have been going.
You will not have been going.
They will not have been going.
Will I have been going?
Will you have been going?
Will he/she/it have been going?
Will we have been going?
Will you have been going?
Will they have been going?
Will I not have been going?
Will you not have been going?
Will he/she/it not have been going?
Will we not have been going?
Will you not have been going?
Will they not have been going?

Trpný tvar

Trpný tvar sa používa vtedy, keď nie je dôležitý podmet - vykonávateľ deja.

  • činný tvar: Študenti vytvorili web v roku 2010 (Students created web in 2010.).
  • trpný tvar: Web bol vytvorený v roku 2010 (Web was created in 2010.)

Pokiaľ chceme v trpnom tvare uviesť aj činiteľa deju, môžeme ho pridať na koniec vety za predložku by (kým):
príklad: Web was created by students in 2010.

Časovanie slovies

V angličtine môžu nadobúdať slovesá tri tvary (neurčitok, minulý čas a minulé príčastie. Existujú dva spôsoby časovania:

  • pravidelné časovanie (pridanie prípony -ed)
  • nepravidelné časovanie (rôzne pravidlá)

Príklady: can (could), will (would), shall (should), may (might), must (ought to), need, dare

Príklad vety: Ja viem plávať (I can swim), Ty budeš učiteľ (You will be teacher.)

Charakteristika modálmych slovies

  • vyjadrujú stanovisko (postoj) hovoriaceho k deju
  • Tieto slovesá nemajú neurčitok
  • Tieto slovesá nemajú v tretej osobe príponu -s
  • Zápor sa tvorí bez slovesa pomocného slovesa do
  • Neurčitok, ktorý po nich nasleduje nepoužíva pomocné sloveso to (s výnimkou ought to)
  • Nemajú priebehový tvar

* need a dare sa môžu používať aj ako plnovýznamové slovesá

Pomocné slovesá (auxiliary verbs)

Príklady: to be (byť), to have (mať), to do (robiť)

  • slovesá, pomocou ktorých sa tvoria slovesné tvary, časy, zápor, otázka a trpný rod
  • môžu sa používať aj ako plnovýznamové slovesá

To be

  • tvorba priebehových tvarov plnovýznamových slovies (napr. he is learning, he was learning...)
  • tvorba trpného rodu (napr. English is spoken in England)
  • vyjadrenie menného prísudku (napr. She is clever)

To have

  • tvorba predprítomného, predminulého a budúceho času (napr. I have created web

To do

  • tvorba záporu a otázky v prítomnom a jednoduchom minulom čase (napr. I do not know, Do you like quizzes?)
  • na zdôraznenie žiadosti/tvrdenia (napr. Do your homework!)
  • ako zastupujúce sloveso (napr. He swims better than I do)
  • v krátkych otázkach (napr. She like quizzes, doesn't she?)

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